Sunday, September 30, 2012

Goooooooo Tigers!!!!

So, the U of M is not the greatest football team, but we still have our tiger pride!!! Made some cookies tiger cookies for the bake sale my sorority had on Friday to help support our philanthropy which is Service for Sight.

I like the tiger stipes on these... I had never done a tiger stripe before and loved how these looked!!

Orange & Blue!!!

I was starting to run out of white so I decided to mix it with the blue...

Monday, September 24, 2012

Hawaiian Cookies

So I haven't really been posting lately because I have been one really busy baker/ set-up server/ college student. 

The baking portion of my week:
I have a younger brother who is in high school & every year they have an event called Fall Fest. During the week or two leading up to this, boys are put into smaller groups as well as the girls. At fall Fest each group of boys (more like the boys mothers) creates a box with a theme and in the box is dinner and other "goodies". The groups of girls bid on each box & the highest bidder wins the box. My brother's box had a Hawaiian themed box and my mom asked me to make some cookies for them.

Here they all are! I think they turned out pretty well seeing as I only had a few hours to make these... It seems as if only having a few hours to make an order of cookies is becoming a recurring theme... I need an oven at school! Haha!!

The work portion of my week:
My boss's niece got married & went to work to set up for the reception...  Set up is always so much fun!

The college student portion of my week:
I also went through rush this past week and am now a DELTA GAMMA! Whooo Hooo!!! I'm really excited and ready to make some amazing DG cookies to celebrate!!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Balloons for LeBonheur

One of my friends is a volunteer baby hugger at one of the local children's hospitals here in Memphis. So I made about 100 cookies and we iced them together while we had our "girls night". She did such a great job for doing this the first time!

All the pretty red balloons!

As we iced the cookies we could smell them as we did them and we decided it was in the cookies best interest if we went ahead and ordered a pizza instead of eat all the cookies.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

New cookie cutters

I am way too obsessed with cookies cutters as you can see... I have way too many already & yet felt the need to buy more... these were like $5 for 10 so I thought why not? these are not your ordinary cookie cutters though because if they were I would be insane to practically buy the same cookie cutters that I already have in my rapidly expanding cookie cutter cabinet (this used to be a tin can full of cookie cutters but I have upgraded from the tin, to a big box, to a cabinet).

These cookie cutters are made out of silicone and stretch & "squish" (I dont really like that word and am not sure why)

Pretty cool huh?

So I made almost 100 of the little guys & made some regular sized ovals and had to "squish" the bottoms of those.

The identity of these cookies will be revealed later this week. I mainly did this project to give cookies to the volunteers at a local children's hospital... Lebonheur. I also decided to do this to see how much time and effort it would take to crank out about 100 cookies from my oven at home. It only took me about 2 & 1/2 hours to make the cookie dough & icing, cut out & bake the cookies... icing all 105 cookies to be exact will take a bit longer but will be fun!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Wedding Shower Cookies

A & R monogram:

Mallard Ducks because he LOVES to hunt

lace cookies because I love them

all packaged up & ready to go!!!


Follow me on Tumblr. For cookies go to:  For all my other Tumblr things go to:  or Thanks Ya'll & will FINALLY be posting those pics tomorrow!!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fall cookies with my mom & sister

What did I do with all that leftover dough this weekend??? Well I put it to good use & used it as a good excuse to get to spend a little quality time with my sister & my mom.

Granted I did spend the majority of time fixing the coors of icing so they could have something to do, but overall I had fun.

My sister really liked using the blue for leaves (one of her favorite colors if you couldnt have guessed)

I made mainly "mini" cookies, I think we iced them faster & plus there were more of them in the end.

And my little helper who fell asleep while waiting for "little drops from heaven" to come down.

I would also like to mention I was mistaken about being able changing the language on my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience.