Thursday, August 30, 2012

New Super Cute Apron!!!

Ok so my posting has been pretty on and off lately... mostly off. However things have been crazy with work then moving back into the dorm! It's been pretty hectic! I wont be posting too often during the school year due to limited access to an oven (the dorm I live in does not have an oven & practically have to get in my car to go somewhere to bake). I did buy an awesome apron today off of easy & can't wait to get it in the mail! (after buying so many books I felt like I needed to buy something I would actually want to use! HaHa!!)

I bought this Dumbo apron from She makes some of the cutest aprons & many Disney Princess ones as well. I love it & hope to get it by Monday... I'm supposed to be baking cupcakes for a college friend of mine who is having a house-warming party & he is letting me use his oven. I only have the obstacle of not having an oven rack, having a night class right before the party, & not having a mixer to make icing with... I guess we'll see how it goes!