Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Christmas is coming...

Every Thanksgiving we go to my Mimi's house to celebrate. After we become more stuffed than the turkey we make sugar cookies. This has been a tradition since my sister and I became coordinated just enough to cut out cookies. We sit on the counter, roll out the dough & stamp out the cookies. I think this is always the part I look forward to the most about Thanksgiving.

My mom worked on Santa while I got a little creative with the other cookies.

The Christmas trees are my favorites from this batch.

Also every year we take a family picture on the stairs. My mimi, my brother, & my dad are in the back, my sister, me, & my mom are in the front with our two dogs.

My uncle in the picture with my family.

Another tradition we started a few years ago is playing Apples to Apples over the holidays. Rose, my dog, always wants to sit in my lap whenever we play a game at the table. My dad went to take a picture of her & somehow he got one of her mid-yawn.

Thanksgiving last year:

Me & my sister making cookies... there is no longer enough room for both of us to sit on the counter...

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm so thankful for being able to have a creative outlet like making cookies and then blogging about it! Sounds cheesy I know but I love it!!!

Here's my little greeting committee when I got home from school on Tuesday night! She missed me so much!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Houndstooth cookies

 I was asked to make some cookies for a man who works at and is very involved in the school I graduated from. He used to play basketball for Alabama and two of his sons play football for Alabama & his third son, a senior in high school in the same class as my brother, committed to play football for Alabama once he graduates. So I was obviously going to make some Alabama houndstooth cookies.

My mom did wear the baker's apron this time since I was sick and couldn't stand very long. The doctor told me I was not contagious so I was able to help out with some of the baking and do some of the icing. I realize it has been a long time since I posted last. I have been sick with different things over the last month with various colds and infections. Anyway, these cookies were a big hit and he loved them! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012


I apologize that I am not posting about cookies today. I had a mishap a few weeks ago & fell off my bed, landing on my hand. It wasn't that bad but has gradually gotten worse over time. So if moving it hurts, icing a cookie won't be a fun task. Anyway, enough about that. I've been very busy the past few weeks and was so excited when I reached my goal for having 300 page views for the month of October.

 I got to "celebrate" Halloween for the first time in several years! I had been planning my costume since early this spring and it all came together so well! I was a Toddler in Tiara and I made my tutu! It turned out really well & had so many compliments on it! I even won a costume contest!

Me and one of my awesome neighbors in the dorm!!!

The whole view of my costume!

I also was busy working with Sigma Chi on Derby Days. On Halloween a few of us got a little bored and we decided to go trick-or-treating... (This included one of the guys putting on the costume I had for our Derby Days skit which included a tutu!!) We didn't have much luck but there was one house that gave us a lot of candy... it was actually the only house that gave us candy. They were really nice and pretty much gave us the rest of the candy they had.